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簡要描述:Epoch Life Science 廣州鴻程代理廣州鴻程代理 始終致力于面向生命科學領域,從事科研機構及生產企業(yè)所需的各類原料、試劑、耗材、儀器等的專業(yè)進出口公司。專門從事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 現(xiàn)貨,moltox 11-101.5等現(xiàn)貨, 706020/706025現(xiàn)貨,Megazyme的大部分現(xiàn)貨
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 適用領域 | 科研 |
產地 | 進口 | 加工定制 | 是 |
廣州鴻程生物有限公司一家專注于生命科學的科技企業(yè),由在國內科研試劑領域有著豐富從業(yè)經驗的技術團隊和管理團隊組建而成,專營進口生物試劑,科學儀器,實驗消耗品等。公司將不斷把上優(yōu)質的產品引入國內市場,滿足客戶的需求,公司也將緊跟生命科學的發(fā)展,為廣大科研工作者探索生命科學的奧秘奉獻綿薄之力.專門從事以抗cuxiao Beckman A63881的磁珠 現(xiàn)貨,moltox 11-101.5等現(xiàn)貨,transgenomic 706020/706025現(xiàn)貨,Megazyme的大部分現(xiàn)貨,LIST現(xiàn)貨,、ALZET大量現(xiàn)貨,Avanti 、tedpella 、BioLegend、Polyplus、jena bioscience、Mattek、MRC-Holland、polysciences、enzo、novus、TOCRIS、CAYMAN、Neuro Probe、cyguns、eylabs、NIBSC、chondrex、lc laboratories、BTI、etonbio
The EconoSpin® All-In-One DNA Only Mini Spin Column is used DNA extraction from various sources. Two styles are available to choose from: with attached lid or no attached lid. Comes with collection tube preassembled.
The EconoSpin® All-In-One DNA Only Mini Spin Column is a low cost substitute for Qiaprep*, Qiaquick*, Qiaamp*, DNeasy*, RNeasy*, PureLink*, GeneElute*, PureYield*, etc. It can be used for DNA extraction from various sources. Two styles are available to choose from: with attached lid or no attached lid. Comes with collection tube preassembled. For Qiagen plus spin column sustitutes please check out our EconoSpin® DNA Only Mini Plus Spin Column.
Key Futures:
DNase free. Uses for DNA related application.Good for Plasmid mini prep, Gel extraction, PCR clean up, gDNA extraction.
For Qiagen Plus kit substituion please check out our EconoSpin® DNA Only Mini Plus Spin Column.
Improved o-ring configuration completely eliminates buffer carryover.
Designed with extra considerations for better performance and convenience.
Large frosted area around the neck instead of the column body, helps to avoid markers smudged by ethanol containing wash buffer.
Construction: Polypropylene.
Sample Size: Up to 850 ul per column.
Binding Capacity: Up to 45 ug of plasmid DNA
Smallest Elution Volume: 15 µl.